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Probably the nicest bouldering gym of The Hague.

Student Rates Banneer

Probably the friendliest bouldering gym in The Hague!

Fun fact: With our 10-day passes, you can also boulder at Boulderhal Nirvana, Boulderhal de Campus and Revolt Boulderinggym.

But it gets even better when you get our subscription. Get your subscription at Walhalla and get access to 13 boulderinggyms in The Netherlands and Belgium!!

Are you between 13 and 24 years old and/or a student? Then entrance to Walhalla is € 9.75!

We also have a Walhalla only 10 punch-card for students for € 87.75 and a monthly subscription for € 39,-.

Opening hours


Monday13:00 - 23:0023:30
Tuesday13:00 - 23:0023:30
Wednesday13:00 - 23:0023:30
Thursday*13:00 - 23:0023:30
Friday11:00 - 23:0023:30
Saturday09:00 - 22:0022:00
Sunday09:00 - 23:0023:00




First time bouldering?

Hi! Here at Walhalla we’ll teach you all about the basics of bouldering. You can swing by any time for a short introduction with one of our instructors, followed by your first proper bouldering session.

Within 15 mins you’ll be climbing independently and having loads of fun!

Good to know: The instruction is free! You just pay the entrance fee, plus optional shoe-hire. 

Start to boulder cursus

Start to boulder € 55

Our “Start to boulder” consists of four lessons (1.5 - 2 hours each) where you’ll learn the basics of bouldering. This course is perfect for anyone who’s just started bouldering, and can’t wait to boost their progress!

Following the course costs € 55,-. (including entrance during the course dates and rental shoes.)

You can find more information about the introduction course on our “Courses and training” page.

Please consider our STARTERSSET including a month of free entrance to our gyms!

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